Mr Abid Ali
Mr Ali is a unique Consultant Podiatrist specialising in musculoskeletal problems that can affect the foot, ankle, knee, hip or back. He has developed as an extended scope practitioner in the NHS within specialist orthopaedic triage units in 2 hospitals for over 12 years, now specialising in diagnostic ultrasound imaging. During that time, he has extended his scope of practise beyond the traditional remit of podiatric medicine, to include invasive treatments, for the knee and back, and in diagnostic imaging. Prior to his career in Podiatry he has a background and training in sports and elderly care. Mr Ali is now a proud member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasg), Faculty of Podiatric Medicine. Also a Consultant fellow of the IOCP. Beyond clinical practise, Mr Ali is an executive of the Institute of Chiropodist’s and Podiatrist’s, currently serving as the Chairman of the board of education. He has developed biomechanical and musculoskeletal services for the NHS. Lectures extensively in advanced musculoskeletal practise, and practical skills across the UK, and in diagnostic ultrasound imaging at the Centre for Ultrasound Studies, Bournemouth. Editor of ‘The Review’ journal of podiatric medicine, IOCP. Over the years he has helped thousands of people, and many celebrities and athletes, and continues to develop both academically and clinically. “Your Mobility is my Priority!”
My ResumeBiomechanix Clinic
With his background and experience, he opened the Biomechanix clinic in Warwickshire 2014. A unique and technologically advanced clinic to help people with non-surgical minimally invasive and injection treatments for common lower limb conditions, and to help increase sporting performance in novice and elite athletes.
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